sábado, março 22, 2008

"Narrative is the soul of drama" Brecht

Wich are the contact points and the divergences between Acting and Storytelling? We can feel quite puzzled over this debate.
Most significantly: the actor works in a group project; the storyteller works in an individual project. The actor has the fourth wall; the storyteller has the direct contact with the audience.The actor has elaborated costumes and props; the storyteller has a minimal set and costume and last but no less important: the actor has a fixed and learned text, working based on a character, the storyteller has a fluid and improvised text and works based on himself as a person.
This is not a scientific formula but it helps to find the way to the soul and heart of narrative.

1 comentário:

Clara Haddad disse...

Oi Taninha,
Fantástico esse texto.Tem um também muito bom do Patrice Pavis sobre o contador e o ator.
Linda precisava muito falar contigo!!!! Se puder me escreva e entre em contato..já tentei diversas vezes e nada..risos
beijosss( espero que esteja tudo bem!!!)